My Recent Work

‘Circle of Support’: UU Youth Learn to Help Peers in Crisis

When Max Solomon-Frye discovered training to provide peer pastoral care for his fellow youth, it changed his life."Young men are not really given the tools to care for friends and family in an emotionally vulnerable way," says Solomon-Frye, a 23-year-old who resides in Amherst, Massachusetts, and whose hometown congregation is the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockland County, New York.

Ins, Outs, and Uncomfortable In-Betweens

I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions, but I guess being a changeable person is the whole point.

I feel as though the world is turning around me and I am sitting still. No matter what I do, time keeps going and tomorrow keeps turning into today and today keeps turning into yesterday and part of me takes comfort in the fact that there’s nothing I have to do to propel time forward. When I lay in bed and do my mental checklist of the things that need to be done before I can sleep (take